nedelja, 13. januar 2013

Pictures of the Week #1

I decided to start showing you pictures that I take during the week. I am always taking pictures, so I was thinking why not share a few of them with you :)

Goodbye my old phone..

                    ..hello new one!

Starting my day with my favorite mug and coffee :)

I won my first giveaway on Maja's Beauty Blog! Yeey :)

Goodbye Christmas tree..

My favorite pullover at the moment. So warm and cozy (and cute too). :)

I made chocolate chip cookies with Benji's recipe. Yummy!

It was snowing this morning and it looked beautiful, even though I don't like snow. :P

I've been walking dogs at animal shelter in Maribor for a few months now. Here are some of them. The upper one is Dona, on the left is Toro and right is Odor. Aren't they just adorable? There are so many dogs and cats there that need home, so if you are thinking of getting a dog or a cat, always consider to go to animal shelters first. Or maybe if you have any time they always need volunteers.

Well, these were the pieces of my week. What were you doing this week? :)

10 komentarjev:

  1. Krasne fotke. Skodelica pingvin je tako prikupna. <3 Kje si jo pa dobila? Jaz ne morem nikjer najti nobene take zanimive skodelice, vse so nekaj povprečnega.

    1. Hvala :)
      Kupila sem jo pa v Intersparu pred kakšnim mesecem. So bile tam ko si imeli tiste okraske in stvari za božič. Najboljše, da greš pogledat, mogoče jih še imajo. Ja pri nas je to vedno problem, težko se takšne stvari dobijo :)

  2. Galaxy S III... <3 Si si pa privoščila :D In kako super, da sprehajaš pse iz zavetišča... Tudi moja psička je iz zavetišča.

    1. Ja sem si kar privoščila :D Res? Ja super, res so sami fajni kužki tam in še nekaj dobrega narediš s tem :)

  3. Your new phone looks awesome! I have heard nothing but good things about the Galaxy SIII- I'm hoping to get the Samsung Note II as my next phone- the screen is ridiculously big!! Great pictures!! :)

    1. Thank you! Yes the phone is awesome :D Note 2 is great too, but too big for me :D

  4. Loved your pics! I also said goodbye to my Christmas Tree this week. :(
    It's good to know you're so kind-hearted to give your time to animals :)

  5. Jaz imam tudi ta telefon. Super je, a ne?

    1. Ja res je super, velika nadgradnja tega, ki sem ga prej imela :D

  6. čestitam na osvojenom darivanju a još više na činjenici što pomažeš u azilu za životinje, bravo :D
